One of the biggest questions I get asked is “is affiliate marketing legit?“. I get that question so often, that I’ve decided to write a blog post about it. This question is usually asked by 2 groups of people: Those who have been scammed or fallen victim to a scam in the past Those who […]
Affiliate Program Reviews
Should You Be Doing CPA Affiliate Marketing?
What Is CPA Marketing? And Is Promoting CPA Offers Good For Beginners? If you’ve been around affiliate marketing for any length of time, chances are you’ve heard of CPA Marketing. If you haven’t heard of it, well, you have now. So what is it? CPA stands for Cost Per Action marketing. You might be wondering […]
Is Amazon Worth It?
Is The Amazon Affiliate Program Worth It For Making Money? One of the biggest questions that comes up frequently that I get asked a lot is about the Amazon affiliate program. Is it worth it? Is it worth promoting products on Amazon? Can you make money with the Amazon Affiliate program? Well, yes, and no. […]