This is something I wish I’d started a year ago.
I’ve always recognised the value in Youtube but I’ve always stubbornly rejected it.
I didn’t need to get involved in it and it always felt a bit too much work for my liking.
That’s not being lazy… that’s just not wanting to get involved with it.
Plain and simple.
Until this…
Here’s a guy with a method that interests me a LOT.
(and believe me, it’s got to be something really good to interest me these days let alone youtube)
This guy started 2 Youtube channels (heck, I’d struggle to start even one).
But get this….
One of those channels he started as a pure experiment.
Just to see where it went.
And he gained 5,400 subscribers in less than a year.
He just started uploading videos of items he had laying around his house.
And he gets an affiliate commission every time someone buys that item through his affiliate link.
==> I wish I started this a year ago
It’s just so ridiculously simple.
And that got me thinking!
If only I’d started this a year ago!!
With the amount of stuff I’ve bought in the past year I could have really got a nice side income going from it by now.
His first video started with him just literally recording himself on his phone, opening a package he’d just purchased.
People LOVE authenticity.
They just want to see what it is they’re buying before actually making the purchase.
And 9 times out of 10, they purchase through his affiliate link.
Put it this way, I’m fully intending to starting one of these side businesses myself.
I’m not just saying that…I am actually going to do this.
And you should too, I’m just giving you the heads up here.
This is such an easy business model and they don’t come around often.
I’m spinning so many plates right now, but this is something I reckon can easily plug in and I see what this could become and the potential.
This is a very simple model which I can see is very capable of bringing in 6-figures a year.
Even for me and believe me, I haven’t got the first real clue about youtube!
The best time to start this was a year ago, the second best time is NOW.

I’ve got no problem whatsoever with fully recommending this training.
Benjamin Fletcher.