As you know, Crypto and NFT’s are all the rage right now.
Everyone is talking about it.
But I haven’t touched it for 2 reasons:
- I don’t understand it.
I don’t touch anything I don’t understand enough about.
2. It’s saturated right now.
It’s being hocked by everyone and anyone and every circle-jerker on earth right now .

And honestly, NFT’s just look like a great big FAD to me. (Anyone reading this is welcome to prove me wrong)
But here’s what’s good about Crypto and NFT’s being hocked around..
It leaves the door open a little to other Niches that would otherwise be “closed shops”.
Affiliates are all piling into Crypto but ignoring other markets really blowing up big time right now.
Their loss is your gain, so screw them.
So with that being said, here’s 3 Niches I’d enter in 2022 if I was starting again..
1. Solar Power and Energy.
Unless you’ve been living in a shoebox, you’ll notice a HUGE drive worldwide for climate change right now.
In fact here in the UK, there’s a COP26 conference being held, attended by most of the world’s leaders on climate change.
And it’s really gaining pace.
It’s still in the very early stages.
Check out this graph from Google Trends:

In this example, I’ve entered in the Search term “Solar Power” and selected the “past 5 years”.
TIP: By default, Google trends is set to show only the past 12 months.
You need to set this to the past 3 years (at least) to get the full picture.
And here you can see, “solar power” is really busting out.
I expect this trend to keep breaking out.
Here’s a few ideas for you:

Here’s even more ideas from a free niche research tool I use called

And Clickbank has an entire category of products that you can promote as an Affiliate for commissions in this category:

To find all the categories Clickbank have that are full of Affiliate Products for you to promote just go here:
2. Dogs and Pets
I love dogs.
And this Niche is really going full turbo right now due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
The price of dogs has shot up because demand is exceeding supply.
Dogs that were $500 Pre-Pandemic are now 3x that amount.
People are getting dogs to assist with stress and the loneliness of the pandemic, especially those that are self isolating.
Because of this, online dog training is really exploding:

In this example, the GREEN Box is Pre-Pandemic and the Red Box is Pandemic for the term “puppy training”.
Here are some ideas:

Here’s an affiliate product on clickbank that you can still promote as an affiliate:

It’s called “Brain Training For Dogs”
You can check it out here on clickbank.
Take a look at this site below, was (at the time) less than 2 years old, had a $2,000 p/Month Affiliate income and sold for $15,000

This site is about a specific dog breed, Border Collies, but you could apply this to just about ANY dog breed.
Labrador Advice
German Shepherd Advice
Poodle Advice
…you see where I’m going with this.
3. Home Office Equipment
This one is always a tough Niche but I’m putting it in because the last 2 years, more and more people are now working from home.
Normally I’d advise against promoting physical products as the profit for margin just isn’t usually high enough.
But given the sheer search volume for certain items right now, it might be a good idea to start an affiliate blog promoting some of them.
Especially high end stuff like this:

You get the idea.
If you’re going to promote Amazon products, make sure it’s a high enough ticket.
The only reason I’m including this here, is because the search volume right now is through the roof and there are a TON of products and keywords you can target through the Search Engines.
Just look at the breakout for “Standing Desk”:

I’m not a blogging kind of guy, but it’s obvious to me that a good chunk of these keywords could be content pieces.

If I do a quick search for “Best Standing Desk”, I can see accessories you could sell to go along with it:

“Best Standing Desk For Home Office” is a great keyword to build an affiliate review site around and test with paid traffic.
As I say, normally as a general rule of thumb, I would avoid Amazon products as the profit margin is poor, but the sheer search volume right now is colossal!
Here’s some more ideas from Amazon’s autocomplete alone:

If was going into this market, I’d start a blog around this keyword alone:

Standing desks are really booming and parents are even buying them for their kids.
This search term will grow and grow.
A few more affiliate niches for you:
- Survival (surprisingly still a lot of rich pickings in this Niche)
- DIY (Lot’s of opportunity here)
- Personal Debt (Tough but a big problem more than ever right now)
As you can see in this blog post, here are just a few ideas you to cash in for 2022.
Regardless of which Niche you plan to enter, NOW is the time to put in the foundations and get your sites started.