This doesn’t happen too often but when it does, it’s usually a bloody good idea to act on it.
This will work wherever you are in the world, but you MUST target the UK to take full advantage.
EG: If you live in Canada (or anywhere outside of the UK), you need to run campaigns targeting the UK.
In this blog post, I’m going to show you:
- How to spot a “moving” trend.
- How to get ahead of the curve.
- A High Search – Low CPC Niche (Where money is being spent)
A big part of affiliate marketing is being able to spot trends that:
- Nobody else spots
- Few people act on it
#2 is most likely.
Because almost everyone spots a trend, they just don’t do anything about it.
The last time an opportunity like this presented itself was probably back in the 2008 financial crisis.
In 2008, I barely knew what the Internet was.
I didn’t even get my own hotmail email address until 2009.
But I digress, the thing about crisis is they always present opportunities.
I mean..just to put this into context (according to Forbes):
Did you know that almost 500 people became BILLIONAIRES during the pandemic?
That’s a fact.
This leads me to the niche opportunity that currently exists.
And this is ALREADY a Billion dollar market.
This is only going to work if you target the UK with any campaigns.
I’m going to try my best to stay out of politics in this post, but I’m going to have to dip in and out of it.
It’s kind of unavoidable.
In case you’re not in the UK, you might have heard…
The United Kingdom left the European Union and whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing you can be the judge of that.
I can see disadvantages and advantages of that, but I’m not bloody well going there in this post.
As a possible (depending on who you listen to) result of that, energy bills in the UK are about to hit a record HIGH.
It’s being mentioned as much as 50% increase:

I’m talking things like Gas, Electricity etc…
And here in lies the Niche I highly recommend you take a look at.
Solar Energy/Power
In the coming months and years more and more people in the UK are going to be switching to solar energy to avoid the rises.
My prediction is, it’s going to gather pace.
Check this out in Google Trends: (FIVE year chart)

On this 5 year chart, we can see some action going from about Feb 2020.
We can see in Feb 2020 it peaked above the previous high, and another spike in August 2021 but other than that, there isn’t much to go on here.
Let’s look a bit closer ( 12 month chart)

At first glance, when we look closer at a 12 month chart, it looks even worse.
It’s in a general DOWNWARD trend.
It’s at this point when most (clueless) affiliates would write this off as a bad niche.
But it’s the GREEN box area that I’m interested in.
This is where I win and other affiliates lose. 🙂
Let’s look EVEN closer (90 Day chart)

You can see the downward trend has turned into a sharp upward trend.
It’s completely changed direction.
That’s because around Xmas time, the UK government made noises that there would be a rise in energy prices and it looks to be ongoing.
And as you can see, it’s prompted an upward trend.
Now lets look at the last 10 years.
This chart is from 2012 – present:

It’s kind of spiking up and down.
It’s breaking out but to the uneducated affiliate it’s not yet in a consistent upward trend.
Or is it?
In fact, most would ignore this niche.
But when I looked closer, further than most other affiliates would and combine that with news events, you can see an opportunity.
And this is the perfect time to get into this niche…
You need to get in at the START of a trend!
If you wait until it’s a really obvious trend, then guess what?
…it’ll be obvious to 100’s of other affiliates aswell and you’ve missed the opportunity.
Affiliate marketing is about SPEED.
A trend is starting but it’s not consistent…yet.
But as you can see, it’s going that way.
Let’s look at the search volume.
For this, I’m going to use a free tool called Ubersuggest.

In case you can’t see, I’ve selected English/United Kingdom for my target country and entered in the keyword “Solar Power”.
Let’s look at some of keyword ideas and suggestions we get including an estimate of how it might cost per click.

As you can see, this is a (surprisingly) HIGH search intent LOW CPC (cost per click) niche.
You can get premium Tier 1 traffic from Google for less than $0.50c for some of these terms.
And I’ve by no means “dug” very deep into this Niche, this was about 10 minutes research and using my brain.
I bet if I spent an hour on it I’d uncover some pure gold.
This is a Niche you should seriously consider going after and now is a GREAT time to do it!
For now, I’ve given you a “heads up” on this opportunity and in a future blog post, I’ll show you how I would monetize it.
Here is the follow up post I wrote, that shows you a few ways I would profit from this niche.
Benjamin Fletcher