I recently listened to a podcast by Doberman Dans “Off The Chain” Podcast.
If you’re even remotely interested in getting ahead in business and in life, I highly recommend you give it a listen, because it’s great.
In one particular episode of his podcast, he talks about how he found success in the “Resistance”, the things he usually shyed away from, or things that he found difficult.
The things he just flat out didn’t want to do.
For some people it might be they find resistance in making Youtube Video’s because they don’t want to be on camera (I’m one of these people btw).
For others it might be blogging, because they find difficulty in writing or coming up with ideas for Blog posts.
For some it might be Networking with others via Social media because they might consider themselves to be introverted.
Whatever it may be, EVERYONE who isn’t finding the success they feel they should be having, is 99% of the time, shying away from the ONE thing that might lead them there.
This train of thought coincided with another Podcast I listened by Dan Henry.
Dan was saying how he lost over 20 pounds in 5 months by not doing things the EASY way like everybody does, but by doing things the HARD way.
For him it was calorie counting.
That was his “Resistance”.
He told himself it would be “too hard to calorie count” and that he would never see it through.
This brings me to that famous quote by Henry Ford:

Success is the sum of our mindset.
What Dan found, was that no matter what diet he followed, none of them worked because they were all nothing more than a “simulation of the hard way”.
This is a fantastic Video Dan put together explaining what he found and how that translates to life and business:
In other words, most diet programs and this is also true of most Affiliate marketing Programs, are a simulation of what works.
So what actually works?
What actually works, is in almost all cases, the things everybody else aren’t willing to do.
These things are usually buried in the “resistance”, the hard things.
Nobody wants to roll their sleeves up and do the heavy lifting.
Which is good news for you…
Because if you do the things everybody else aren’t willing to do, AKA the tough stuff, that’s going to put you light years ahead of your competition right off the bat.
In fact, what I’ve found, is the HARD way, actually isn’t really that hard.
I just made myself think it was.
Again, it’s mindset.
I love this quote from the legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger aswell:

Most People’s mindset get in the way of them ever seeing affiliate marketing success.
It’s why some people see results quicker than others.
Take a few minutes and have a think about what are certain areas in your affiliate marketing business, that you’re finding resistance in?
Make it your goal to tackle it head on TODAY.
In most cases, doing things the hard way, is often the FASTEST way to reaching your goals!
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