So first off, some of you may know this, some of you may not..
“Benjamin Fletcher” is a pen name.
It’s my alter-ego.
I’m a painfully shy person, I find it difficult to share things and talk about things.
An Alter-Ego means this:
Me as “Ben Fletcher” would do things the real me wouldn’t.
In business that’s an upwards gear-shift.
The real me would procrastinate and look for reasons NOT do something and think about it until I convince myself I’m right and then…you guessed it…validate my decision to do F-all.
“Ben Fletcher” is the opposite of that.
You have to read the book to understand what I’m talking about here.
It’s super-powerful stuff.
I promise.
It’s just one of those books you have to read before you die.
So I approached this book from the vantage point of trying and get some clarity back into my life.
I was suggested a few books & programs.
Problem is, all of the suggestions seemed a bit ‘Samey’ and that I’d seen and heard most of it..boring.
But one suggestion was this book:

It’s called The Alter Ego Effect and it’s written by a high performance strategist, Todd Herman, pictured below:

If you’re unfamiliar with who Todd Herman is, Todd has worked with some of the biggest names in Sports and Business.
He’s a psychological fire fighter.
He’s the guy sports people and high level business people call when they need specific results.
He gets the best out of people.
He’s an expert at it.
So naturally when this book was suggested to me, and I dug a bit deeper into who had written it, I was intrigued.
Some of you who have been following me for any length of time, will know I’m profoundly deaf & almost excruciatingly shy, but what you may not know, is I also have ADHD.
ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Basically it means I have difficulty concentrating, for me.
There’s more to it, but that’s the main one.
Specifically, staying on task has been a real problem for me my whole life.
I rarely ever mention it, as it’s deeply personal.
In fact, now I’ve mentioned it openly on my blog, I may write more about it.
Richard Branson has it. (Billionaire Founder of Virgin Group).

So anyway, after checking out a whole bunch of suggestions, this book, The Alter Ego Effect, was the ONLY one that resonated with me.
The fact I’ve even mentioned my ADHD in this blog post, believe me, it should tell you wonders about the power of the book.
I would never have dreamed of saying it before.
So what is it?
It’s essentially, creating identities to achieve your goals in life.
The Alter Ego Effect book is based on the principle of ATTACKING your fears and replacing those fears with an Alter Ego.
This method is utilized most commonly in Elite Sports.
Such as Tennis, Football, icehockey and even Boxing.
It’s when you leave all your fears that have been holding you back behind and you take on a new persona.
eg: An Ice Hockey player might not have the confidence to take a shot.
However his, Alter Ego WOULD.
So the Ice Hockey player would temporarily adopt the guise of his more confident Alter Ego.
This technique has been routinely used in high level elite sports.
It’s extremely effective.
The ‘Field of Play’
It’s about getting yourself into the mindset of who you would be if you didn’t have the fears you have.
In my case, it’s a fear of failure.
The thought of failing at anything terrifies me, that directly affects my ability to concentrate.
I find it almost paralysing.
It’s all linked to having confidence in ‘process’.
This book helps me overcome the fear of failure and concentrate on my end game in business.
In the Alter Ego Effect, this is called the ‘Field of Play’.
At the time of writing this post, I’ve only had this book for less than a week, but I’m already seeing massive improvements in my concentration and entrepreneurial confidence.
If this resonates with you, then I highly recommend the book.
It’s called the Alter Ego Effect and you can get it here:
Give it a try…It’s superb!