One of the biggest issues faced online is picking a niche.
People get hung up about it.
Picking a niche really boils down to 2 things:
- It interests you
- It’s profitable
Any niche you choose MUST interest you.
If it doesn’t, you won’t stick it out and 2 weeks from now you’ll be back to square one looking for another niche.
It must also be profitable.
It’s no good picking a niche that interests you but won’t make you any money.
I fell into that trap years ago when I entered the RC car niche.
I used to be very interested in Petrol RC cars (Radio Controlled Cars).
And when I first got online, I thought it would be a good niche to go after as it was popular and I liked the niche.
So I started a facebook page and added some Youtube videos and a few articles from blogs I frequented and left it at that.
I did absolutely NOTHING with this page…
ZERO promotion whatsoever.
But within about 1 month, it had over 8,000 fans.
The problem?
I couldn’t sell anything!
I made ZERO.
Because what I discovered was:
A – There were no affiliate programs for it that paid anything above about 3% commisssion.
B – Avid RC car enthusiasts tend to buy from local stores.
They like to buy in person and they like to speak to local enthusiast’s about their cars...NOT click affiliate links and buy ‘stuff’.
Both of these things meant from a financial point of view the Niche sucked.
However, if you’re stuck choosing an affiliate niche...
Here’s a GREAT one:
The Dog Niche!
In this blog post, I will show you how to profit from it WITHOUT a website and $5 bucks per day campaigns.
This a great niche because if there is one thing people love to spend money on it’s their pets!
Not only do they spend money, but they spend a LOT of it.
This niche is worth over $270BN annually.
And there are a TON of Affiliate programs for it.
Here’s a few Subniches within the Dog Niche you could enter and promote:
- Dog food and treats – High-quality dog food and treats from reputable brands.
- Dog beds and accessories – Comfortable and stylish dog beds, as well as accessories such as blankets and pillows.
- Dog health products – Supplements and remedies for common health issues such as arthritis and allergies.
- Dog training products – Dog training tools like collars, leashes, clickers, and training books & courses.
- Dog behaviour products – Products that help dogs with anxiety, barking, and other behaviour issues.
If I take one of those, Dog Beds for Example…
Look at the price of some of these beds on Amazon:

These are listed on Amazon and anyone can sign up to the Amazon Affiliate Program and promote any of them.
NOTE: Amazon’s commisssion rates aren’t great, but you can find better affiliate programs that pay more with a quick google search: “Dog Beds + Affiliate Program”. You could even have a look on ShareASale for Dog Accessory affiliate programs too.
And it’s not just beds.
You could also enter the Dog Training/Behaviour Niche…
And the one thing I like about this niche, is it’s not saturated to death with Internet Marketers.
Clickbank have several dog Training products you can promote, here’s one of them:

It’s called “Brain Training For Dogs“.
Brain training for dogs is a product designed to stimulate and challenge dogs’ mental abilities through a series of interactive games and exercises.
And the offer pays a very decent 75% commission.
And here’s a breakdown of the Affiliate offer stats:

- Gravity Score: This tells you how popular the product is with affiliates (The higher the score- the more affiliates are promoting it). This has a score of’s a bit high, but if you promote via a method I’ll talk about in just a second, this doesn’t matter. Keep in mind: If you’re going to promote this via PPC (Pay Per Click) or paid ads.. 82 will be too high for most people, due to competition.
- Average sale: This shows you will make about $45 bucks for every sale. This is good.
- Recurring Revenue: This shows that the offer has recurring revenue opportunities. EG: Upsells. If someone takes a subscription based upsell, you’ll receive a commission for as long as they remain a customer.
All this makes for a good affiliate offer to promote…on balance.
A few stats about the Dog Training industry:
- There are over 8.7 million dogs owned in the United States alone.
- Over $60BN is spent in this industry.
- Owners with badly-behaved dogs are desperate for solutions and easy to sell to.
Here’s an idea of the volume of searches this niche gets per month:

So very quickly we can see that this is not only profitable, but it’s in DEMAND too.
Let’s look at an idea for promoting this product.
Quick and Easy Method For Affiliates
As this is a blog post, it’s not intended to be an exhaustive step by step guide.
But there is enough here for you to get started and I may expand on it over time.
Facebook pages would really well in the dog niche for affiliate marketing.
For example, take a look at these pages:

That page has 1.1M followers.
Here’s another with over 700,000 Followers:

And here’s one more with over 100,000 Followers…

Do you see where I’m going with this?…
And by the way..
When you create your own page, this could be a link to any URL you wish:

If you’re smart, you’ you’ll place an affiliate link there ^^.
How To Create a Facebook Page
Anyone can create a Facebook page about ANYTHING and it’s free to do it.
Here are the basic steps to do it…
- Log in to your personal Facebook account.
- Click on the “Create” button in the top right corner of the page.
- Select “Page” from the drop-down menu.
- Choose the type of page you want to create, such as business or community.
- Enter your page name and category. (eg: “mad about dogs”)
- Add a profile picture and cover photo.
- Fill out your page’s description and contact information.
- Click on “Create Page.”
Next you just need to add some content…
Pretty much everybody has uploaded an image or shared a video on Facebook and doing the same on Facebook pages is the same process so I’m not going to go through that.
But in this Niche, pretty much ONLY TWO types of content work:
- Memes
- Short Videos (30 seconds max)
WARNING: If you’re going to share either of these types of content, make sure you have permission to do so. You can run into serious issues you infringe on somebody else’s intellectual property.
Try to use Royalty free or White label content if you can.
This usually means you can use the content freely without threat of prosecution.
I’ll show you a good resource to get this kind of content at the bottom of this blog post.
(But if you can’t wait ==> here you go.)
Here’s the type of engagement you can expect from Memes and Short Vids:

You can see it does well.
It does well because this is a niche that people are passionate about and they enjoy sharing it.
It’s called Viral content.
Viral content is any piece of media, such as a video, image, or article, that becomes widely popular very rapidly through sharing on social media.
The right content can spread quickly and reach a large audience within a short period of time.
Which brings us to the next step…
Getting Visitors (Eyeballs)

6 or 7 years ago, this used to be really easy.
All you needed to do was create the page, add a few pieces of content to it, get a few friends and family to share it and the facebook machine would take over.
As I said at the start of this post, when I started my Radio Controlled Car Facebook page, that’s all I did.
I did virtually NOTHING with it apart from auto-posted content on a daily schedule and that was it.
And it grew to about 8,000 fans in no time.
I wish I still had the page to show you but I deleted it years ago.
That doesn’t work anymore anyway.
So here’s what you need to do instead…
Add a few pieces of the content type I mentioned above.
Then run a “Page Likes” ad campaign with Facebook Ads.
You only need to spend about $5 bucks a day for 7-10 days just to get visitors to your page and your content starts to get shared.
Once you have 50 -100 page likes, you can turn the Ads off and your page will start to grow organically…especially in this niche.
Before you can do this, you need to have your page created and LIVE and be able to access your Facebook Ads manager.
Here’s how you create a Facebook Page likes campaign:
- Log in to your Facebook Ads Manager account.
- Click on the “Create” button and select “Ad” from the drop-down menu.
- Choose your objective as “Page Likes”.
- Select the Facebook page you want to promote.
- Define your target audience based on location, age, gender, interests, and behaviors. (For this just target interests like “Dogs” or a certain breed of dog eg: “Labradors”).
- Choose your ad placement, budget, and schedule.
- Design your ad by selecting an meme or short video.
- Write your ad copy and add a call-to-action button.
- Review your ad preview and make any necessary changes.
- Click on “Place Order” to launch your campaign.
That’s pretty much it.
You’ve now got a Facebook page likes Ad campaign created.
Here’s an official tutorial from Facebook for how to do this:
The campaign will now be reviewed by Facebook before it goes live.
Once the campaign is approved, your ad will start showing to your target audience and you’ll start getting “likes” to your page.
Now What?
Now you just need to add content to your page a few times per week.
You can automate this.
You can use social media posting tools like Hootsuite or Sociamonials to post your content automatically.
So you could just schedule a weeks worth of content to go out every day!
Just set it up and forget it for the rest of the week. 🙂
Here’s a great resource for content I’ve been recommending recently specifically for the Dog niche… (an entire years worth)

>> Get It Here<<