Optimizepress 3.0 Review – Is It Better Than Clickfunnels?
– A completely honest and unbiased review from somebody who’s actually used both…

There aren’t many software tools I haven’t used or tried over the years.
Is Optimizepress A SERIOUS Clickfunnels Alternative?
Some tools are better than others and some tools I’ve used forever because they’re so damn good, even the free ones too.
Some I’ve bought that have been quite expensive with high expectations due to either the company or person behind it and they’ve fallen short of my expectations by quite some distance (clickfunnels I’m looking at you).
And of those tools, a lot of them have been page builders or funnel builders of some kind.
But one page building or funnel tool I’ve consistently used since 2013 and continue to use to this day, is Optimizepress.
And this is the first time I’ve ever written an in-depth OptimizePress review about it...
So why now?
As more and more page builders and funnel builders pop up, I’m realising that most of them aren’t particularly great.
And being completely honest, I’ve never really NEEDED to review Optimizepress before.
Up until a few years ago, when clickfunnels (unfortunately) appeared, Optimizepress were the only game in town.
OptimizePress was developed by James Dyson (below) and the first edition was groundbreaking…

It was new.
Nothing of its kind existed before then.
Before Optimizepress you really only had 2 choices for building high converting landing pages:
- Learn a program like Dreamweaver (with a price tag of about $1,000 at the time and complicated as hell to use) and on top of that, you had to learn reasonably advanced CSS aswell. (Trust me, you don’t want to know how difficult and tedious that was). All of that just to build a page that looked halfway credible.
2. Hire a professional designer on a site like Elance (now called upwork.com). And that would cost you around $300 – $500 for ONE page that looked presentable and assuming of course, you took the enormous amount of time it undoubtedly took to find a decent designer.
It was all just one big colossal headache.
Then along came Optimizepress.
It was like Analogue TV meets Netflix.
Suddenly the way we built web pages changed.
Nobody knew it at the time, but in 2013 James Dyson and Optimizepress literally CHANGED the website builder landscape.
Everything became point & click with slick templates you couldn’t have dreamed of being able to make or get designed prior to this.
Some of the templates available inside the latest Optimizepress 3 edition:

Sidenote: The way landing pages are built and what works NOW is different to how landing pages were built 5 years ago.
Landing pages have evolved.
What works NOW has CHANGED.
MUST READ: The Ultimate Guide to Landing Page Trends!
All the “goo-roo” marketers were using it, their in-house design teams suddenly found themselves ‘surplus to requirements’.
It was super easy to replicate ‘Frank Kern style ‘ pages.
Ordinary people like you and me, started looking like marketing rockstars.
Ryan Deiss built his entire empire on Optimizepress in his early years.
There was literally nothing like it.
So in 2013 I took the leap into Optimizepress myself and bought a copy of Optimizepress V1.
Why almost a decade later, I’m STILL using Optimizepress…
Fast forward the best part of a decade later, I’m still using it.
And I’m still using it for one reason, and one reason alone…OptimizePress 3 is a winner!
Try it for yourself, realise Clickfunnels & Groovefunnels both suck (Clickfunnels less so) then abandon it and get back on the rat wheel of trying something else, and on and on it goes.
I know.
I’ve been there myself and I’ve got the receipts to prove it too!! :/

I’ve tried both of those tools (and TONS more tools besides) yet, I still find myself coming back to Optimizepress.
The key difference between Optimizepress Vs Clickfunnels is that it’s a wordpress plugin, whereas clickfunnels is not.
The advantage to that is you’re in full control of the backend, with clickfunnels and other similar tools, you’re completely at the mercy of their own development team to fix it.
Believe me when I tell you there is nothing worse than your entire website going down, asking for support and then being told it’s ‘all my fault’ (Clickfunnels I’m looking at you)
And on that point, clickfunnels support completely sucked, so we’ll skip any further comment about that!
Here’s a real life issue of a clickfunnels user (who will remain anonymous and no, it’s not me)
If you’re looking for a Clickfunnels alternative.. Trust me, you’re not alone!!
This guy had to literally FLY to one of their events to get support:
I physically went to their support team while at their live seminar and sat down to show them the problems I was having.
Seriously, I had to physically go to them because they weren’t responding via e-mail or they said, “No, that’s on your end. Oh, that’s not our problem.”
It’s that kind of ‘pass the buck’ support that really aggravates me as a customer.
REAL Clickfunnels customer reviews I found on Trustpilot:

I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this…Clickfunnels just straight up sucks.
But anyway, regardless of how bad clickfunnels is, if I had to choose between a 100% SAAS based software, hosted on servers I cannot control or a wordpress plugin on my own servers, that I can control, then the wordpress plugin wins.
Every. Single. Time.
The real power of Optimizepress isn’t the fact it’s a wordpress plugin, it’s more to do with the only thing you should be interested in…
And that’s….what you can actually do with it.
What follows is by no means an extensive list.
If you’re an affiliate marketer, you’re going to LOVE Optimizepress 3.0!!
In this Optimizepress review, I’ve prioritised the Optimizepress features I think you’d be most interested in and also the features that you’ll find the most useful:
- Optin Pages
- Lead Magnet Pages
3.Thank You Pages
4.Email Confirmation Pages
5.Affiliate Review Pages
- Lead Magnet Funnels
- Squeeze Page Funnels
Here’s what OptimizePress 3’s Funnel Builder looks like:

Optimizepress 3 has a whole bunch of funnel designs that gives you a range of styles and designs to choose from and you can still customize anything once your funnel is built.
It also has an intelligent funnel linking system that will automatically connect your funnel steps, all you have to do is add your content and integrations.
Optimizepress 3.0 Current Integrations:
As of writing this Optimizepress Review, here is a list of current native email integrations available..
- ActiveCampaign
- Convertkit
- Aweber
- MailerLite
(I review all of these here).
Just a few things to add here..
Optimizepress 3 also has a full featured checkout and ecommerce module for those of you who want to have your own orderforms and checkout process.
Here’s an example of an order form I using Optimizepress 3.
Optimizepress 3 is a landing page builder that is fully mobile responsive as standard…

These days, more than half your visitors will be on a mobile device.
So having a fully mobile response landing page builder that looks good on Mobile devices is absolutely essential.
I use Stripe as my payment processor and Optimizepress 3 has a full Stripe integration aswell.
Checkout OptimizePress 3’s pricing. (You’ll be pleasantly suprised).
What About Optimizepress Vs Clickfunnels for SEO?
In July 2018 Page Speed has been a major ranking factor for SEO.
So no true Optimizepress review would be complete if I didn’t include it here.
Here’s an excerpt I found from Webstix.com:
Google is a business. They want you to use their search engine for searching because they can sell ads on the side. To get you to use their search engine, they have to give the best results. There are millions of web pages created every day, so they need a way to automatically figure out which websites to show. They do this by crawling websites and then using what they find in their algorithm. This algorithm is how they automatically figure out which websites to rank higher than others. They look at LOTS of things.
One thing they look at is page speed. They want to give out results where the website load quickly. If both you and your competitor had equal websites but one loaded faster, Google is going to rank the website that loads faster higher.
So since July 2018 Page Speed has been a major ranking factor for SEO, so whichever page builder you use, it needs to be fast.
It’s universally agreed upon by many SEO experts that your site needs to have a page speed of at least 90% anything less than that and you’re going to struggle.
And Google’s own developer docs says:
“To provide a good user experience, sites should strive to have a good score (90-100).”
So how does Optimizepress Vs Clickfunnels stand up in terms of page speed and SEO impact?
I’m going to run a page speed test for both the homepages of Optimizepress and Clickfunnels and see which one is faster.
At this point, I have no idea what the result is going to be, so this is going to be just as interesting for me as it is for you.
For the test, I’m going to use a website speed test service called GTMETRIX.
The basis of this test assumes that each company (clickfunnels & Optimizepress) both use the platform they’re actually selling to build their homepages.
And to verify this, I’m going to take a quick peak at the Source code of each site, to verify that Clickfunnels is actually built with Clickfunnels on their platform.
And also that Optimizepress is ACTUALLY Optimizepress built on WordPress.
So as you can see from the screenshots below, Clickfunnels IS Clickfunnels and Optimizepress IS Optimizepress:

Optimizepress Vs Clickfunnels: Page Speed Test #1
Here’s the results for Clickfunnels homepage:

Clickfunnels on the peed test scored 43% with an ‘F’ rating.
Remember, we need at least 90% or your site (from an SEO rankings perspective) is going to struggle.
Now, I suspected Clickfunnels may not be above 90% but I didn’t anticipate them being THIS bad.
43% is, to put it mildly, bloody atrocious.
Let’s take a look at Optimizepress speed test:

Optimizepress scored 100%.
If you’re in any doubt about this (i.e you think I’m yanking your chain), you can run this SAME test yourself over at GTMetrix and just type into the box: “https://optimizepress.com” remember to include the “https://” part.
So as you can see, as far as speed is concerned, Optimizepress 3.0 blows Clickfunnels away.
A few things to point out here is page speed is most impacted by amount of things the page has to load.
eg: Images, Videos, Files etc
So in Clickfunnels defence, they do have MORE videos and other media heavy content than Optimizepress does. (Although Optimizepress also has a fairly content heavy page too).
Having said this, even the most media heavy pages should be nowhere near as bad as 43%, considering the industry standard should be at least 90%>.
That’s arguably one of the worst ratings I’ve ever seen from a page builder software application.
In fact, I’d argue you’d be hard pressed to find one as low as that and if you do find one as low as that, please email me here, I’d love to know about it.
In the interests of a fair test and considering we’re interested in the SEO advantages, it’s only fair to conduct an identical test using Google’s own speed analyzer for each of them.
Optimizepress Vs Clickfunnels: Page Speed Test #2
Here’s the results for Clickfunnels using Googles own page speed analyzer:

Clickfunnels actually comes out even worse in the eyes of Google than the GTmetrix result.
Google’s score is color coded:
- Red: Poor
- Orange: Needs Improvement
- Green: Good.
Here are the results for Optimizepress:

You can see here, Optimizepress in the eyes of Google could use some improvement, but it is still almost double what Clickfunnels scored.
In both test’s Optimizepress has blown Clickfunnels away in terms of page speed and that’s going to have a massive impact on your SEO rankings.
Based on both of these tests, Optimizepress is going to do a lot better from SEO perspective.
Both Clickfunnels and Optimizepress have built in SEO options.
This allows you to add Meta Descriptions and Meta Title tags and a whole range of other SEO options WITHOUT needing yet another SEO plugin to do it.
Clickfunnels Pricing:
Clickfunnels pricing starts at $97/month and for that you get pretty much everything you’re ever going to need in your business:
- Page Builder
- Funnels Builder
- Full Template range
- Checkout Process
- Shopping cart: Order bumps, 1 Click upsells
- Membership Module
However, if you’ve been paying close attention to this article, while this might seem a lot of ‘bang for your buck’, Clickfunnels comes with a whole raft of issues.
I mention the main ones inside this article, so if you missed some, have a read through again.
In my opinion, you’re going to be paying nearly $100 /month for nothing but headache.
Clickfunnels do also have a $297 /month option but 95% of people reading this blog post will never need it, so there’s very little point in me discussing it here, but if you’re curious you can read all about that over here.
I will say one thing, to justify spending $297 /month you need to be making at least $10,000 per month in your business to justify it and even then, I know people making $10,000 PER WEEK who still don’t use Clickfunnels, period.
Optimizepress 3.0 Pricing
I think we can all agree that at $97 per month Clickfunnels is just too damn pricey…
Here’s how to get Optimizepress 3.0 for just $199 for the ENTIRE year…
At the time of writing this blog post, Optimizepress current pricing is $199/Year for their full Suite, as you can see here.
This is the equivalent of Clickfunnels $97/Month plan.
Here’s what you get with Optimizepress 3.0 on their Annual pricing of $199 per year:
- OptimizeBuilder: Revolutionary WordPress Page Building Platform
- OptimizeFunnels: Create marketing funnels in WordPress with ease
- OptimizeCheckouts: Easily Accept payments on your website (orderbumps, 1 click upsells and downsells)
- OptimizeLeads: Their proprietary Hosted opt-in form software (you can add optin forms anywhere)
- Funnel & Checkout Stats: Track your page conversions
- Easy Split Testing: Split test pages in your funnels for optimized results
- Membership sites
- 250+ Premium templates & funnels
Optimizepress also have 23+ plus integrations including:
- ActiveCampaign
- Aweber
- Convertkit
- Drip
- Getresponse
- Sendfox
- Mailchimp (although I don’t recommend Mailchimp, especially if you’re an affiliate marketer).
- Mailerlite
- Stripe
- Paypal
- Wishlist Member
You can see the full list of available integrations here.
What about Support?
Optimizepress support is email based.
The one thing I wish Optimizepress had is chat based support but unfortunately, at the time of writing this blog post, they don’t have chat support available, it’s purely email based.
However, I’ve personally found Optimizepress’s support to be extremely responsive and helpful.
They are also very active on Facebook.
You can expect a reply within a couple of hours, I’ve never had to wait more than 24hrs for a support reply. (Unlike clickfunnels, where I routinely had to wait for up to 5 days…more than once).
Do Optimizepress have a trial?
They probably should do. Unfortunately they don’t.
They do however, have a 30 day money back guarantee.
So in other words, if you buy it and you don’t like it, you’ll get a full refund.
SIDE NOTE: I’ve used Optimizepress since 2013 and I haven’t thought once to refund it.