Here’s a few stats for you:
So as you can see, page speed is critical.
A slow site means you’ll not only rank lower in the search engines, but it’ll increase your visitor bounce rate.
Bounce rate, simply means how fast someone leaves your site.
If your page loads slowly, your bounce rate is going to be pretty high.
I recently ran my site through GT Metrix and I was shocked by the rating of my blog.
It was a freaking D rating: 👇
Huh? WTF!
That’s just about as bad as it gets.
I searched google for what I could do to improve it.
I knew about caching plugins and I also knew they could increase page speed.
A lot of blogs on the subject were recommending W3 Cache, but I’ve tried that in the past and you almost need a crash course in computer science to set it up.
er…no thanks.
Then I found a comment on a sub-reddit and people were raving about a similar plugin called WP-Rocket.
Do a Google search for WP Rocket and you’ll find it (or click here).
All the comments were users saying how good it was.
It’s only $49 bucks, so I bought it and gave it a go.
If it turns out to be crap, I can my money back or at worst, I only lose $49 bucks.
This was the result in ONE single setup click:
‘A’ rating!
I wasn’t expecting that at all.
This puts my website FASTER than 75% of the Web.
Copy My Settings
Installing WP-ROCKET right out of the box will do just fine for most people.
You’ll see a boost just by installing it.
Make sure your settings match mine.
Here are my Cache Settings:
Here are my WP Rocket CSS Settings:
Make Sure Your Image Settings Look Like This Too:
Speaking of Images, there is one additional plugin I use for optimizing my images, it’s called ShortPixel.
What ShortPixel does, is it removes all the unnecessary crap from your image data, while STILL maintaining image quality.
ShortPixel does this automatically every time you upload an image to your wordpress site.
One more thing..
Obviously the web host you choose and your server setup will impact this, but by using WP-Rocket and ShortPixel combined, you’ll almost definitely see a massive improvement!