This is an Affiliate Offer Network I’ve only just discovered in the last week or so that runs a CPA (Cost Per Action) model. If you’re not familiar with what “CPA” is, check out this blog post I wrote. The short explanation is this: You’ll get paid every time someone takes an ACTION specified by […]
cpa marketing sites for beginners
Clickbank Pivot To a CPA OFFER Network Model
If you’ve read my blog for any length of time, you’ll know I’m a massive fan of clickbank as an Affiliate. I’ve used them for years. Well this week while browsing through my Twitter feed, I noticed they made the announcement that they are switching or at least incorporating a CPA network model into their […]
Should You Be Doing CPA Affiliate Marketing?
What Is CPA Marketing? And Is Promoting CPA Offers Good For Beginners? If you’ve been around affiliate marketing for any length of time, chances are you’ve heard of CPA Marketing. If you haven’t heard of it, well, you have now. So what is it? CPA stands for Cost Per Action marketing. You might be wondering […]